Membership Application

Instructions for membership

In order to facilitate enterprises to apply to join the Zhejiang Digital Financial Technology Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Federation), in accordance with the "Member Management Measures of the Zhejiang Digital Financial Technology Federation", the application process and related issues are hereby explained as follows:

1. Membership conditions

To become a member of this association, you must meet the following conditions:

1. Support and abide by the Federation’s Articles of Association.
2. Comply with the regulatory requirements of relevant regulatory authorities.
3. Sign and consciously abide by the Federation’s self-discipline declaration.
4. Meet other conditions stipulated by the federation.
Member categories include licensed financial institutions established in accordance with the law in Zhejiang Province and engaged in digital finance-related businesses, comprehensive financial technology platform enterprises engaged in financial business or providing external financial technology-related services, and financial technology companies established by licensed financial institutions. Subsidiaries, local financial organizations, technology-based enterprises, as well as technology information companies, academic institutions, intermediaries, social groups and other units that provide services to the financial technology industry; or experts, scholars, and industry representatives in the field of digital finance.

2. Documents that enterprises applying for membership should submit

Enterprises, institutions and social organizations that apply to join the federation should submit the following materials:

1. "Application Form for Membership of Zhejiang Digital Financial Technology Federation".
2. A copy of the original and duplicate business license (or legal person registration certificate) of the applicant.
3. Signing text of "Self-discipline Declaration of Member Units of Zhejiang Digital Financial Technology Federation".
4. Copy of business license or other legal qualification documents (if any).
5. Other documents required for membership review.
Note: The above documents must be stamped with the company's official seal.

3. Membership procedures

(1) After the enterprise applying for membership prepares the hard copy application materials, stamp them with the official seal, and mail the scanned copies to the federation secretariat’s email address
(2) The Secretariat of the Federation will review the authenticity and validity of the materials, and send notifications for supplementary application materials to companies with incomplete submitted materials.
(3) The basic process of supplementary selection includes review by the expert jury, review by the federation president meeting, voting by the federation board of directors, and the list of candidate companies is published on the official information platform of the federation.  
(4) After the publicity is completed, the secretariat of the Federation will send the "Zhejiang Digital Fintech Federation Admission Notice" to the companies that have no objections and collect the membership fees; issue the "Zhejiang Digital Fintech Federation" to the new members who have paid the membership fees. Association Member Unit Certificate" and update relevant information on the official information platform at the same time.


4. Things to note

(1) Before applying for membership, you must carefully read the "Articles of Association of Zhejiang Digital Financial Technology Federation" to understand the rights and obligations of member units;
(2) "Application Form of Zhejiang Digital Financial Technology Federation" will be used as Please fill in the important information carefully and comprehensively as required to determine whether you can become a member. If relevant information changes, please take the initiative to promptly notify the Federation Secretariat for updates.

(3) Membership fee standards: 200,000 yuan/year for president units, 150,000 yuan/year for vice-president units, 80,000 yuan/year for governing units, and 30,000 yuan/year for member units.

5. Contact information

If you have any questions during the application process, you can consult the staff of the Member Service Center of the Federation Secretariat or log on to the official website of Zhejiang Digital Fintech Federation to view relevant information.



Declaration of Admission

The holy land of Shang, beside Qiantang. Following the trend of the times, Internet finance is on the rise. Zhejiang is one of the earliest birthplaces of Internet finance. Today, this beautiful and fertile land is supporting many examples of Internet financial entrepreneurship and innovation.

The establishment of the Federation has received strong support from the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government. The Federation will give full play to its role as a self-regulatory organization, assume social responsibilities, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the industry. On the basis of following the "Guiding Opinions", we believe that enterprises need to take the lead in self-discipline.

In order to standardize operations and strictly exercise self-discipline, we declare as follows:

1. In-depth study of industry guidance and actively accept supervision and social supervision;

2. Adhere to honest management and strengthen the construction of professional ethics in the industry;

3. Regularly publish platform-related information to fully protect investors’ right to know;

4. Focus on project risk management and control and standardize the platform’s own business activities;

5. Put an end to false propaganda and resist vicious competition and unhealthy trends in the industry;

6. Promote industry self-discipline and innovation and effectively serve the development of the real economy;

7. Actively fulfill social responsibilities and shape a good public image of the industry.

As practitioners of the new economy, we have inherited Zhejiang’s cultural genes and inherited Zhejiang’s humanistic spirit. The train of the times has pulled Internet finance onto the track. We will help it move towards a new future and be the practitioners, inheritors and pioneers of the Chinese Dream.

Letters of recommendation Download
ZAFT Membership Application Form
ZAFT Recommendation Letter Template